The Trinity Annual Conference (TRAC in short) is the "English-speaking conference" of the Methodist Church in Malaysia. Together with the other conferences (Chinese, Tamil, Sengoi, Sarawak Chinese, Sarawak Iban, Sabah provisional), we form the Methodist Church in Malaysia.

There are many local Methodist Churches throughout the whole of Malaysia (click here to find-a-church) who belong to and are connected to the TRAC Annual Conference or the the other Annual Conferences.
Each local Methodist church is not an independent, isolated gathering of believers, but connected to other Methodist Churches through a system of District, Annual and General Conferences. Ultimately it is also associated with churches throughout the world since it is an inherent part of the Church Universal. The connectional church system is an overall church organisation such that the smallest local unit is a part of the entire Church. Its purpose is based on the belief that each local church is stronger when it works with other churches in the achievement of common goals and aims.
The TRAC Annual Conference is further subdivided into “Districts”, consisting of churches in a particular area. A District Superintendent is appointed by the Annual Conference to oversee the work in each District.

Every local church has a Local Church Executive Committee (L.C.E.C.) and a pastor-in-charge (in the absence of a pastor, the District Superintendent is responsible) both of whose functions are to administer the day-to-day life of the church.
The TRAC Annual Conference meet once a year to oversee its own work. A president is elected once every four years from among the eligible ministers.

Trinity Annual Conference