Event Title: Movie 1 (Joint-Initiative with CGMC & Perak District)
26-Apr-2014 to 26-Apr-2014 Past Event
Venue: Canning Garden Methodist Church

Watching a movie and prayerfully reflecting on the experience can be a spiritual discipline. Movies are a rich form of story-telling and often present metaphors about life in all its beauty and fragility. We are invited to approach the movie hospitably, with 'eyes to see and ears to hear', even to recognize the possibility of a divine encounter as the Spirit speaks to us through a film.
Date/ Place /Fees Themes Retreat Facilitator/s

April 26, 2014 (Sat)
10am - 4pm
Canning Garden Methodist Church

Registration/Call: CGMC Office (05-5462023) or Christine Yu (012-4002937)

Movie 1 (Joint-Initiative with CGMC & Perak District)

Movie Title & Description 
Click to downlaod the PDF

Dr Lilian Koh

Dr Koh is a medical practitioner who is also trained in spiritual direction.

Cheong Seng Gee
Seng Gee is a HR Consultatnt who is also spiritual companion.


July 12, 2014 (Sat)
2.30pm - 8.30pm
Taman Ujong Methodist Church, Seremban

Registration/Call: TUMC Office (06-6321334)

Movie 2 (Joint-Initiative with TUMC and Wesley Seremban)

Movie Title & Description - To be released later

Dr Lilian Koh
Dr Koh is a medical practitioner who is also trained in spiritual direction.

Cheong Seng Gee
Seng Gee is a HR Consultatnt who is also spiritual companion.

