Event Title: Formation Retreat for Sunday School Superintendents
06-Jun-2014 to 08-Jun-2014 Past Event
Venue: PD Methodist Centre

We strongly believe that a healthy and active ministry life stems from a vibrant and renewed inner life. Inevitably, we must create space regularly to allow the Spirit of God to examine our hearts and our attitudes as we respond to His call to minister to others. These retreats focus on the formation of the inner life of the person in ministry so that out of that renewed centre of the heart, they will minister to others in the ways of Christ. There will be times of reflection, learning and community. Check out the 3 retreats this year for Educators, Sunday School Superintendents and church support staff.
Date/ Place /Fees Themes Retreat Facilitators

May 30 - June 1, 2014 (Fri - Sun)
Rumah Methodist, Frasers
RM280 (Twin) / RM340 (Single)

Formation Retreat for Educators and Teachers (Joint-Initiative with TCF Malaysia)
This retreat is now an annual joint-initiative between TCF Malaysia and ICM as we invite all teachers from both the public and private sectors to carve out a short, quiet and reflective weekend so that they can allow the Lord to renew their inner sanctuary, the place from where all inspiration to teach is birthed and shaped. Come and join your fellow sojourners of the same heart and mind.
Rev Dr Chew Tow Yow
Rev Chew was an educationist before he join the pastoral ministry with the Methodist Church. He has since retired and is actively teaching spirituality courses and leading retreats.
June 6 - 8, 2014 (Fri - Sun)
PD Methodist Centre
Formation Retreat for Sunday School Superintendents
This 3D2N retreat is an invitation to all TRAC Sunday School Superintendents and their second (and third) liners. The purpose is to encourage, connect and share ideas amongst those who faithfully teach, journey and make themselves available week after week towards the shaping of the hearts and lives of children and the young ones towards the heart of God.
Please Register here

Mrs Anna Tan and Team

Sept 5 - 7, 2014 (Fri - Sun)
PD Methodist Centre
Adventure of Living Retreat (A Formation Retreat for TRAC Church Support Staff)
This weekend retreat aims to bring together the staff team who supports the local church administrative functions. Come and meet your fellow ministry partners, enjoy a time of learning and community building. May the weekend renew your vision of how your vocation can be part of building the Kingdom of God
Please Register here

Ms Leong Su-Kim and Team
Su-Kim serves with OM East Asia Pacific training and developing leaders. She is passionate about spiritual formation and helping others learn their true identity in Christ. She has a BA in communication and worked as a student advisor and kindergarten teacher before serving on board the OM ships Logos II and Logos Hope.



