T2 Coach-Mentors

Title: Dr Ng Wai Ling
Date: 02-Jan-2025
Category: T2 Mentors

Dr Ng Wai Ling

Location: Petaling Jaya & Seremban

Gender: Female

Age: 50-59


Intro about me:

Sixteen years ago, TRAC was looking for a founding director to pioneer the work of ICM. I was at Talbot seminary when the opportunity opened up. As they say, the stars aligned, I came home and the rest is history and it's hard to be believe that I have been living my dream job for the last 16 years, designing spiritual formation programs, facilitating retreats and accompanying others in discerning God's leading in their lives! But I haven't always been doing this. I served in a Christian social organisation in the area of training and development for 4 years before joining a private education institution in counselling and student development work for a wonderful 10 years of my life. My initial training was in social work and counselling, before the Lord led me into soul care, spiritual formation and spiritual direction. I believe that much of my three decades of vocational life have been ordained by God and shaped by my community. Hence, I feel called to accompany groups (ministry or leadership) in their listening of God in community. While the best part of my work is to collaborate with pastors, leaders, churches and organisations to co-design soul-shaping initiatives, the most sacred of all is to witness the transforming work of God in the hearts of men and women! And for this, I am truly humbled and grateful.

I am also a single woman, whose life has been greatly enriched by God's generous gift of a community of family and friends (in Malaysia, Singapore & the US), without whom, I would not be who I am today. For close to 40 decades (minus a few years here and there), Taman Ujong Methodist Church, Seremban has been my home church and has been my playground and laboratory for service, community life and personal formation!


My dreams/goal/vision:

I believe that God reveals Himself to us all the time. My life goal is to be used by God to help others notice His presence, discern His leading and respond to Him more freely - in all of life.


Things I love to do:

I love to connect with people over coffee (before 3 pm) or over ice-cream and waffle (after 3 pm!) I love a good soul-ish and honest conversation on life, love & God. I love going on 'do-nothing' holidays. I love collaborative projects with like-minded souls. Projects that inspire the soul, tickle the mind, refreshes the spirit and builds a discerning community that follows after the heart of God.


One fun fact about me:

I love dancing and wish I can do more of it. On a recent maiden cruise with my family, I joined every possible dance class on the ship - K-Pop, Salsa & Hip Hop! [though it absolutely does not mean I know how to dance, unfortunately!:-)]


Mentoring-Coaching Focus:

Work & Marketplace, Leadership Issues & Development, Conflict Resolution, Personal Growth & Formation


I believe Mentoring-Coaching is important because:

We are not meant to walk alone. We are not meant to figure out things on our own. We are created to be in community and to listen to God in community.



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