T2 - Leading Together, Transforming Generations











The T2 Pilot Cohort is a 17-month leadership journey that begins in January 2025 and ends in May 2026.

Join us for the T2 INFO DAY (on Zoom) on:
Tuesday, June 18, 2024 @ 10 am – 12 noon (Pastors Only)
Tuesday, July 30, 2024 @ 8 pm – 10 pm (All Leaders)


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Leading Together, Transformation Generations (T2) is a TRAC Christian Leadership Series, aimed primarily to nurture a community of new, young and emerging leaders to lead the church together into God’s agenda in this generation and the generations to come. T2 is inspired by and grounded in the spirit of the Methodist movement, borne out of the Holy Spirit’s transforming work of renewal and revival. Guided by this rich heritage, TRAC’s mission is to raise leaders as agents of God’s renewal movement. Hence, her task is to equip leaders to discern the movement of the Spirit of God for their generation and to recognize the signs of the times in order to respond to His transforming agenda for their personal, communal and missional life.



Every team member will come away having learnt:
Desired Outcome 1: Leading for Transformation - To inspire leaders to attend to their inner life and discern the Spirit’s movements through engaging in a life-giving rhythm, guided by a personal rule of life, in order to be a discerning leader who leads from a life that is deeply connected with God, self and others.
Desired Outcome 2: Leading Together - To cultivate a Spirit-led community life that fosters a healthy, collaborative and discerning leadership community and inspires a way of leading together towards a collective missional cause, with a Kingdom mindset.




Touchpoint #1: The Person of the Leader
Discover the core of spiritual leadership by delving into the depths of your inner life. This interactive session integrates leadership roles and lifelong discipleship as followers of Jesus. Dive deep into theological reflection of your personal journey, exploring its stages, unique contributions, and roots within the Wesleyan tradition. Learn how to prioritise pastoral care, and spiritual formation to prevent burnout, address perfectionism, and embrace human flourishing as imago Dei. Recognise the vital role of physical health in spiritual growth.

Touchpoint #2: Cultivating a Leadership Community
Leaders not only lead in community. They also actively participate in and are a part of communities. This Touchpoint focuses on the essential task of cultivating vibrant and supportive communities within Christian contexts. Explore the relational dimension of leadership across successive sessions, aiming to deepen your leadership community experience and vision for nurturing thriving, authentic and discerning communities.

Touchpoint #3: Leading with a Kingdom Mindset
Embark on a transformative journey to equip your church with the vision and tools needed to reach the unreached  and unchurched in today’s post-pandemic, VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) society. Explore strategies to overcome silo thinking, effectively engage younger audiences, maintain relational leadership approaches, and navigate change with a Kingdom mindset.




The 17-month T2 journey incorporates four key learning spaces:

Cohort-Learning Space:

  • Three Touchpoints: Attend 3 Weekend  (10-hour) Touchpoints (In-Person) in Petaling Jaya
  • Three Regroup Online Sessions: Participate in 3 (2-hour) Re-group Online Zoom Sessions 
  • One Closing Retreat: Commit to a 4D3N In-Person Discernment & Closing Retreat at a Retreat Centre

Personal-Reflection Space:

  • Carve out regular time for reading, listening to podcasts & watching videos before every Touchpoints
  • Create regular space for prayer exercises, reflection & journaling

Community Life Building Space: 

  • Meet with your Team Members monthly for Guided Group Conversation
  • Discern and Engage in a Collective Team Project after Touchpoint 3

Intentional Walking Together Space:

  • Meet with your Coach-Mentor once every 2-3 months. He or she will journey with you as a leader.




T2 participation involves a discernment process through intentional conversation and prayer. We would like to invite you to begin a co-discernment process with your pastor if you fulfill the following criteria of inner posture, leadership experience and commitment capacity:

  • Inner Posture: 
    • Desiring to Grow: You desire to grow in  your life with God and in your leadership capacity
    • Willing to Share Life: You are willing to share your life and subject yourself to team accountability 
    • Open to Learn: You are open to learn, to contribute and to receive from one another 
    • Motivated : You are both self-motivated and interested to rally others for a common cause
  • Leadership Experience: 
    You belong to one of these categories of leaders in your local church:
    • New Leaders: You are new to the leadership (at least 2 years of experience & regardless of age group) OR
    • Young Leaders: You are an existing young leader (49 years old and below) OR
    • Emerging Leaders: You desire to intentionally learn and be mentored for future leadership (40 years old and below)
  • Commitment & Engagement Capacity: 
    • Stamina: You have the ability and stamina to commit to the duration of the program of 17 months – barring unforeseen life circumstances.
    • Space: You are able to carve out intentional space in your schedule for personal growth (reading, journaling, prayer, reflection) and be part of an on-going learning community (Touchpoints, group conversations, online sessions).
    • Readiness: You sense that you are in a season of readiness to engage and participate more intentionally with God, self and others for personal & communal growth.




T2 is a cohort-team-based participation. It involves a discernment process through intentional conversation and prayer. We would like to invite you to begin a co-discernment process with your pastor and then sign up as a TEAM of 4-5 leaders together with your pastor.  We believe that coming as a team helps build a community of learners who can journey with one another and provide some continuity for practice and application in your respective local context. Limited places are available for this pilot cohort.

If you are a pastor and feel drawn to this, identify and invite potential participants who fulfill the T2 criteria to enter into a co-discernment process with you and discern together through conversations and prayer. (If you are a New, Young or Emerging Leader and you resonate with the T2 vision, mission and task, begin with prayer, followed by a conversation with your pastor in order to explore and discern together.)

Deadline for T2 Team Registration: Oct 30, 2024




T2 Orientation Session
(Online via Zoom)
JANUARY  14, 2025 (Tuesday), 8.00 – 10.00 pm
3 Touchpoints (TP)
(In-Person Sessions in Petaling Jaya)
Friday, 7.00 – 10.00 pm
Sat, 9.00 am – 4.00 pm
Sun, 2.00 – 5.00 pm


Touchpoint #1:
FEBRUARY 21-23, 2025 (Friday – Sunday)
The Person of the Leader (Joanna Williamson)


Touchpoint #2:
JUNE 20-22, 2025 (Friday – Sunday)
Cultivating a Leadership Community (Richard Lamb)


Touchpoint #3:
OCTOBER 3-5, 2025 (Friday – Sunday)
Leading with a Kingdom Mindset (Mark Williamson)


3 Re-Group Sessions
(Online via Zoom)
MARCH 18, 2025 (Tuesday Night)
AUGUST 19, 2025 (Tuesday Night)
MARCH 10, 2026 (Tuesday Night)
Residential Retreat
(In-Person Retreat) @ a Retreat Centre
MAY 20 – 23, 2026 (Wednesday – Saturday)
On-Going Conversations
(Within Your Respective Teams)
To be decided as a team
On-Going Coaching-Mentoring
(Personal Conversation)
To be decided by Coach-Mentor




A. Touchpoint Guest Facilitators

Asia J. Williamson co-founded One Rock International and founded SheLives. She is of Polish and German descent. Asia is passionate about developing people, empowering them to live courageously and lead effectively amid complexities and change. Before committing to Christian ministry full-time, she worked for the Polish government on European Union integration and received training in diplomatic protocol. Over 20 years, Asia has traveled to 40+ countries, training leaders, coaches, and mentors. She authored biographies of Hudson Taylor and Amy Carmichael, inspired by their missionary work. Asia is influenced by Dallas Willard's teachings and serves on the boards of Renovaré Britain and Ireland, and Sanctus in Germany. She lectures at William Carrey International University (US) and Westminster Theological Centre (UK), and directs the MA in Public Service Leadership program at Waverley Abbey. Asia and Mark have been leading a Fresh Expression church near London for 16 years.
Richard Lamb served with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship from 1984 to 2007, holding various roles including staff supervisor and senior leadership positions. He holds degrees in Economics and Chemistry from Stanford University and a Master’s in Organizational Development and Leadership from Azusa Pacific University. Richard now teaches leadership and Bible classes in Asia. His wife, Rev. Dr. Lisa Washington Lamb, teaches homiletics and theology at theological colleges across Asia. Their ministry can be explored at www.onehundredhomes.com. Richard authored "Pursuing God in the Company of Friends" and "Following Jesus in the Real World.
Mark Williamson has over fifteen years of experience in training and coaching Christian leaders, resourcing them across five continents. Alongside his wife Joanna, he co-founded and co-directs One Rock International, dedicated to aiding emerging leaders in discovering and fulfilling God’s vision for their lives. Mark has been a Methodist Church member since childhood and presently leads a church community for young adults in central London called Sanctuary Westminster, affiliated to Methodist Central Hall Westminster. He is the author of biographies on John Wesley and William Wilberforce, and is chair of the Fresh Expressions movement of church pioneers in the UK. In his spare time he loves reading good books, discussing good films, going for long walks with Joanna, and supporting Liverpool FC.

B. TRAC-ICM-T2 Team & Other Facilitators
To be updated soon!

C. Supported by a Team of T2 Coach-Mentors 
Get to Know Our Coach-Mentors




RM1,950 per person 
(This will include the cost related to the three touchpoints, i.e., gifts to our ministry partners, materials/handouts, meals, in-person retreat, etc.)








If you are interested to find out more, please sign up for the T2 INFO DAY and join us on Zoom


Tuesday, June 18, 2024, 10 am – 12 pm


Tuesday, July 30, 2024, 8 - 10 pm



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