T2 Coach-Mentors

Title: Viji-Lee
Date: 15-Nov-2024
Category: T2 Mentors


Location: Petaling Jaya 

Gender: Female 

Age: 60+


Intro about me:

I am married, with 3 adult daughters and a granddaughter. My professional area is in education - Chemistry lecturer, private tutor, university placement counselling and advised on setting up of private educational institutions. I have been working with youth since I was 20. I am an uncertified life coach - I am friend/counsellor/coach to several of my ex-students even now, some of whom are in their forties. My husband and I have done a number of pre-marital and marital counselling through the years and have enjoyed the opportunity of journeying with these young couples. I have served in the leadership of the church in several capacities and am currently a  Lay Leader. Sometimes I lead worship, sometimes I preach, most times I'm looking out for people to delegate work.

My dreams/goal/vision:

I want to see young people taking their discipleship journey seriously. They have so much potential, gifts and opportunities, which can be used for their own spiritual growth and help in others. I want them to arrive at a place where they realise that God is really real, that journeying with God is not just work, but that it can be a lot of fun. 

On a personal level, my dream is to get to one of the camps in the Himalayas, but I know that will remain a dream.

Things I love to do:

Talk - talk to and talk with, especially while drinking coffee or tea, meeting people (especially young adults), watching orchestras (not playing!), gardening - provided there is someone to clean up after me.

One fun fact about me:

My girlfriend and I ate 150 sticks of Kajang satay at one sitting as a challenge.

Mentoring-Coaching Focus:

Leadership Issues & Development, Church & Ministry, Personal Growth & Formation, relationships

I believe Mentoring-Coaching is important because:

I had a mentor (informal) in my 20s and I find there is a lot that I learnt from her informally, which has helped me in my life journey in my many roles. Mentoring helps to empower and equip a person to journey to where God wants him/her to be. The mentor can be someone you bounce off all kinds of ideas with and someone who can hold your hand when necessary. You will never walk alone.


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