LPL Modules 2024

English LPL Modules 2024

LPL Module: Marriage Ministry

Outline of LPL Module

The Intensive Study Weekend Module provides:

  • A Biblical understanding of marriage
  • The responsibility of the local church towards marriage of its members
  • How the local church can practically carry out their responsibility
  • Fundamental soft skills and tools to help support the marriage ministry

If a young couple asked you, how would you answer the following questions:

  1. What is the relevance of marriage today?
  2. If you are married, how long have you been married?
  3. Based on your own experience/observation, what are the critical factors that contribute to a successful marriage?
  4. If you could re-boot your marriage (if married), what is one thing you would do differently?
  5. What is one advice you would give to a couple who is about to get married?

Please write short/brief notes for the above questions. In total, it should not be more than 2 pages.
Please submit it a week before attending the class.


  1. This Momentary Marriage: A parable of permanence*
    Piper, J. (2009). Illinois: Crossway Books. 1439242071
  2. Finding Your Million Dollar Mate*
    Pope, Randy (2004). Chicago:Northfield Publishing.
  3. The Act of Marriage
    LaHaye, T. & LaHaye, B. (1998). Grand Rapids, MI .:Zondervan.
  4. Men, Woman and Relationships
    Gray, John (2002). New York:Harper Paperbacks.
  5. Boundaries in Marriage
    Cloud, H. & Townsend, J. (2002). Grand Rapids:Zondervan

*Compulsory reading: 1 & 2


Saturday (16th March)

Sunday (17th March)

9.30am – 11.30am

Session 1:  A Biblical Understanding of Marriage.
Session 2: The role of the Local Church

(10am) Session 6:  Wedding & Marriage Enrichment

11.30am – 11.45am



11.45am – 1.15pm

Session 3:  Premarital

Session 7:  Tips to Handling Some Common Marital Issues

1.15pm – 2.00pm

Lunch Break


2.00pm – 3.30pm

Session 4: Basic Facilitation Skills


3.30pm – 4.00pm



4.00 p.m. – 6.00pm

Session 5:  Practical Premarital Issues (Managing Expectations)


Additional Resources:

  1. Rules Governing Marriage In The Methodist Church In Malaysia
  2. The Marriage Course (Alpha International)
  3. What are the five love languages?
    Gordon, S. (2021).



 16th - 17th Mar 2024
WMC Seremban
Pr. Chris & Stella Kam



Outline of LPL Module

The Intensive Study Weekend Module provides:

  • A biblical and theological understanding of worship
  • The ability to plan service orders for Sunday communal worship
  • The development of empathy for the worship sensitivities of others

Submit your Worship Autobiography based on the following questions:

  • Why are you taking this module?
  • Which church(es) did you attend & are attending now (if it's different from when the one you grew up in)?
  • What is the main FOCUS of your church services? Which part of the service was most emphasized? E.g. prayer, praise section, intercession, etc.
  • What can be improved in your church service? (This is not to criticise any weakness or lack in your church service but an observation of what was overlooked or less emphasized.)

Please write your assignment in not more than ONE A4 size page and submit it a week before attending the class. 
Font: Times Roman 12, 1.5 spacing


  1. Robert E. Webber, The Complete Library of Christian Worship, Vol. 1. Nashville: Abbot Martin Press, 1993. (Chapters 1, 2, 5 to 9)
  2. Jeffrey A Truscott, Twelve Whys of Worship: How All the Actions of Our Worship Glorify God, Singapore: Genesis Books, 2018.
  3. James K.A. Smith, You are What You Love: the Spiritual Power of Habit, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Brazos Press, 2016.

*Compulsory readings: 1 & 2. Please submit a statement to the effect that you have completed the two readings. The statement must be counter-signed by your pastor.



FULL Details Course Descirption & Requirements


 25th - 26th May 2024
 WMC Seremban 
Ms. Christina Ong


LPL Module -  Methodist Studies 

DATE : 22-23 June 2024
VENUE : Trinity Methodist Church, Petaling Jaya (onsite in person only)
INSTRUCTOR : Rev.  Dr. Andrew Tan 

Course Description
This is a tutored course in Methodist doctrine and polity designed specifically for those seeking a Licence to Preach in the TRAC.  Those who wish to take this course as audit are also welcome.  This course includes a chronological summary of John Wesley’s life and ministry, study on key aspects of Methodist doctrine, the history of Methodism in Malaysia, and the Methodist Discipline.

Course Requirement (for those taking as a credit course):
1.Required reading 

  • The Scripture Way of Salvation, Kenneth J. Collins. Nashville, Abingdon, 1997. 
  • Wesley and the People Called Methodists, Richard P. Heitzenrater. Nashville,      Abingdon Press, 1995. 
  • “Christianity in Malaysia”:A denominational history, Robert Hunt et. al. (ed.),  
    Petaling Jaya, Pelanduk Publications 1992 (On Methodist History only)
  • Methodist Book of Discipline 2016

The candidate will submit a statement to the effect that he/she has completed the reading once that is done. The statement must be countersigned by the pastor and sent to the LPL Registrar, Rev. Shearn Sya ([email protected]) and cc to the Instructor, Rev. Andrew Tan ([email protected]). 

2. Written Assignments (Not longer than 1,500 words per paper) 

  1. On some aspect of Methodist Theology and its relevance to the Universal Church today (1 paper)
    • What do you consider to be Wesley’s most important and enduring contribution? Where do you see his greatness? Conversely, where do you sense his humanity, personal trials and weaknesses?
    • John Wesley’s emphasis of Christianity could be termed as “practical divinity”. How did Wesley understand this and show how it could be relevant for Methodist Church today.
    • What was John Wesley’s understanding of the Church and how did he organize it to meet the spiritual and social needs of his day?
    • Evaluate the importance of John Wesley’s organization of class meetings and preaching chapels for the development of Methodist church polity. 
    • Does Methodism support infant baptism? What help do we find in Wesleyan teaching and tradition on this issue?
    • What is the Methodist Church’s stand on the Charismatic movement? What help do we find in Wesleyan teaching and tradition on the issue?
    • Outline and explain Wesleyan’s teaching on salvation from original sin to glorification at death.
  2. On some aspect of the Methodist Discipline and its relevance to the Church today (1 paper)
    • Methodist Church polity lays heavy emphasis on “Connectionalism”. Evaluate the Methodist Discipline to show this and explain why it is important in Methodism. What might the tension between the need of the local church and the requirement of “connectionalism’ (i.e. TRAC and Methodist Discipline requirements) be, and how do you see this can be resolved?
    • Outline your understanding of the role of the District Superintendent, the pastor, the PPRC, the Nomination Committee, and the LCEC. In your understanding, reflect how each is related to the other.
  3. Lectures
    The candidate must attend all the lectures, on both days. Anyone who does not attend both days of lectures will be considered as not having fulfilled the course requirements in order to pass this module. Attendance will be taken on both days.


for more info click on the link below

FULL Details Course Descirption



 22nd - 23th Jun 2024
Rev.  Dr. Andrew Tan


LPL Module - Understanding the New Testament

Outline of LPL Module on Understanding the New Testament
The Intensive Study Weekend Module is intended to provide an introduction to:

  • The context of the New Testament: the historical and the socio-religious background of the New Testament (the Context of the NT);
  • The text of the new Testament; and
  • The basic principles of interpreting the New Testament texts.

It is assumed that students are conversant with the content of all the New Testament books (and have read through the New Testament more than one time).
It is expected that students will study the three basic textbooks listed below, preferably before attending the course.
The passing of the module is based on doing a survey, course attendance and the submission of (a) certification of having read the course texts and (b) a paper of about 2,000 words.


  1. David Wenham and Steve Walton, Exploring the New Testament (Volume 1): The Gospel and Acts, 3rd Edition
  2. Howard Marshall, Stephen Travis and Ian Paul, Exploring the New Testament (Volume 2): The Letters and Revelation, 3rd Edition
  3. Gordon Fee and Douglas Stuart,  How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth (only the Chapters on interpreting the NT, viz. 1,,2,3,4,6,7,8, & 13)

Time Table/Assignment


 13th - 14th Jul 2024
WMC Seremban
Rev. Yong Wai Yin


LPL Module: Introduction to Christian Doctrine

Course Description

This course is designed specifically for those enrolled in the Lay Preachers’ License Program of TRAC. The lectures will deal with some of the key beliefs in the Christian faith, including biblical revelation, the doctrine of God, the nature of Christ’s incarnation, the meaning of his death, the meaning of his teachings, the work of the Holy Spirit in the church today.

It would not be possible to cover all the material in detail. Please come equipped by starting your readings now.

Course Requirement:

1.      Lectures
The LPL candidate must attend all the lectures, on both days. Anyone who does not fully attend both days of lectures will be considered as not having fulfilled the course requirements required for passing this module. Attendance will be taken on both days.

2.   Required reading:

  • BOOKS: It is very important that those planning to do the course will make sure that they have access to the four (4) books required. Sometimes the books may be available at local bookshops. You may get the books online via AMAZON in USA or UK. A third alternative is to try OPEN TROLLEY ( Make sure you order the books early because overseas order take time to arrive.

    To read before course:
    Philip Yancey, The Jesus I Never Knew (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2002).

    After lectures:
    Bruce Milne, Know the Truth—A Handbook of Christian Belief, 3rd ed., (Nottingham & Downers Grove, IL: Inter-Varsity Press, 2009/2014).
    James I Packer, Knowing God, 3rd ed. (London: Hodder/John Murray, 2005).

    To use for daily devotion for 2024-2025:
    John Stott, Through the Year with John Stott: Daily Reflections from Genesis to Revelation (Monarch, 2015).
  • Course fulfilment requirement: Please sign Part A of the attached sheet when you have finished reading Yancey (2002), Milne (2014) and Packer (2005). Further, please sign Part B of the same sheet when you have commenced working through Stott (2015) and have a clear plan to finish it within 12 months. The signed statement should be submitted together with the assignments.

    Both statements must be counter-signed by your pastor who certifies that you have completed the work in Part A, and that he/she undertakes to check that you will complete Part B before the end of 2025.

3.  Written Assignments

  • Assignments must be type-written, using Times Romans font size 12 (or equivalent), with 1.5 line or double spacing.
  • Assignments not following these requirements will NOT be accepted.
  • Assignments set will be given to you at the course.
  • Submission Date

    Both essays should be submitted in HARDCOPY, together with the signed statement on completion of reading, before ………... They should be placed in a large envelop together and handed in to the TRAC office marked: LPL Christian Doctrine assignments with your name & church on it.


Course Reading Requirement Fulfillment Sheet

for more info click on the link below

FULL Details Course Descirption & Requirements



 17th - 18th Aug 2024
WMC Seremban
Bishop Emeritus Dr. Hwa Yung


LPL Module: Homiletics

(A 12-hour Local Preachers’ Course)

Start at 9am.
Lunch break 12.30 to 1.30pm
End at 5.30pm

1.30pm to 5.30pm


Course Description
The focus of this course is the practical task of preparing a sermon. The preparation of a sermon needs the basic skill of studying the Bible passage, discovering and analyzing the exegetical idea, shaping those ideas into a homiletical theme, developing an outline and then turning it into a sermon-proper. This course will help the participant grasp the fundamentals of preaching and the process involved in the making of a sermon. In addition, the participant will explore the ingredients for effective preaching and learn to restore its centrality to worship in the church by holding to a balanced view of Wesleyan preaching. 

Course Objectives
By the end of this course, you will:-

  1. Be able to prepare expository sermons, beginning with the process of choosing the passage to bringing it to a full-fledged sermon.
  2. Be enabled to deliver the sermon more effectively.
  3. Be more aware and discerning of the ingredients for a good sermon.
  4. Be aware of the key components of the communication process and its usefulness to the preacher.

Course Requirements
1.You are required to read any TWO of the following books:
*Chapell, Bryan, Christ-Centered Preaching (Baker Books, 1994)
*Killinger, John, Fundamentals of Preaching (Fortress Press, 1985)
*Lloyd-Jones, Martin, Preaching and Preachers (Zondervan, 1971)
*Robinson, Haddon W. Expository Preaching (IVP, 1986)
*Stott, John, I Believe in Preaching (Hodder, 1982)
*The Pastor’s Guide to Effective Preaching (Beacon Hill Press, 2003)

for more info click on the link below

FULL Details Course Descirption & Requirements


 5th - 6th Oct 2024
DUMC @ Puchong
Bishop Dr. T. Jeyakumar





a) All modules will be either FULLY in-person or FULLY online. No hybrid option is available.
b) Registrations will close 2 weeks prior to course commencement date.
c) For more info and registration, please go to